The political process is morally bankrupt. Both the Republican and Democratic parties neglect the interests of poor and working people and cater to the large business interests who fund their campaigns. These interests have used the parties to block environmental initiatives and roll back people's welfare programs while increasing corporate welfare programs. Average citizens who have suffered the consequences of these changes realize that they have less access than ever to the political process. Many people have responded by choosing not to vote. By protesting the convention, the R2K Network is sending a message that those who reject the two party farce are neither apathetic nor passive. Protesting this convention is a demand for political accountability, radical democratic action and an end to policies that hurt people and the environment.
The protests in Philadelphia have been enthusiastically joined by thousands who intend to address the hearts and minds of the national populace with these problems while politicians rub elbows with the corporate lobbyists who ply them with lavish dinners and fundraising events behind closed doors.
For more background, see the following:
- The Colombia Plan: April 2000, by Noam Chomsky (the war on drugs, corporate influence on foreign policy)
- The Empire Strikes Back: Police Repression of Protests from Seattle to LA (PDF: 200k), by Paul Rosenberg, LA Indymedia
- On the Question of Purpose, by kk, philadelphia radical surrealist front
- Touring the Real Philly, by Jennifer Bleyer, Kensington Welfare Rights Union
- The 2000 U.S. Presidential Elections and the Anti-Imperialist Left: Dilemmas, Hard Choices, Opportunities, by Lian Hurst Mann and Eric Mann, AhoraNow
- Walkin' in the Shadow of Death, by Mumia Abu-Jamal (other articles and columns by Mumia and death penalty info)
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