
Over 400 people were arrested while protesting at the 2000 Republican National Convention (RNC) in Philadelphia, PA. This website provides information on their legal situation and the issues they are protesting.


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 Media Coverage 

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Press Releases

August 9, 2000
CONTACT: Sara Marcus (215) 545-4844; Laurie Zimmerman, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College student (215) 713-0395

Rabbis, Jewish Community Leaders Support RNC Protesters
Religious leaders issue statement decrying city's treatment of potesters, urge society to heed demonstrators' "prophetic voices," Rabbis urge city not to persecute them for speaking out

What: Presentation of a statement signed by local rabbis and other leadersof the Jewish community.

When: Thursday, August 10th, 2:30 p.m.

Where: National Museum of American Jewish History, 55 North 5th Street, Independence Mall

Confirmed Speakers:
Rabbi Elisa Goldberg
Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, The Shefa Fund and the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
Rabbi Brian Walt, Mishkan Shalom congregation
Laurie Zimmerman, rabbinical student, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

Rabbi Brian Walt, Mishkan Shalom Congregation
Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Director, The Shalom Center
Rabbi Mordechai Leibling, The Shefa Fund and Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
Rabbi Elyse Wechterman, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, Jewish Reconstructionist Federation
Rabbi Rebecca Alpert, Temple University
Rabbi Peter B. Schaktman, Associate Director, UAHC Greater NY Council of Reform Synagogues
Rabbi Marcia Prager
Rabbi Elisa Goldberg
Dr. Joel Hecker, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Sue Hoffman, Associate Director, The Shefa Fund
Cynthia Greenberg, Coordinator, Jewish Social Justice Network, Jewish Fund for Justice, New York, NY
Andrew Stettner, Executive Director, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, New York, NY
Laurie Zimmerman, student, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Christie Balka, Bread and Roses Fund
Alex Volin, Pennsylvania Abolitionists United Against the Death Penalty
Julie Davids, ACT UP Philadelphia
Sara Marcus, R2K Legal Collective
Matthew Borus, Boston, MA

Thursday is the Jewish fast day Tisha B'Av, which marks the destruction of the First and Second Temples thousands of years ago. The statement --written in part by prominent writer and spiritual leader Arthur Waskow--draws connections between the fast day and the city's treatment of protesters, warning that "a society that will not heed its prophetic voices… has already shattered its own deepest holy places."

More than 300 protesters remain behind bars in Philadelphia after they were arrested last week protesting the Republican National Convention. The largest protest, on August 1, focused on the racist and unjust criminal and penal system. Videographers have documented widespread violence against the protesters by the police during the arrests. Many of the protesters have suffered beatings, psychological abuse, denial of necessary medication and have been held for days without being arraigned, formally charged or having access to legal counsel. Detainees include 80 people pre-emptively arrested in a Philadelphia warehouse where they were constructing artistic puppets and signs for the August 1st protest. They have been charged with conspiracy. Philadelphia Police Commissioner John Timoney has called for a federal criminal investigation of the non-violent activist networks that organized the week of protests.

Bail for the protesters has run from $15,000 to as high as $1 million the highest bails set in the history of non-violent protest in the United States. The two groups whose members were saddled with $1 million bail, Ruckus Society and ACT UP Philadelphia explicitly advocate non-violence, and forswear all forms of violence including the destruction of property. Prisoners and legal observers inside the jail report widespread abuses of prisoners, including direct physical assault of bound prisoners; dragging of prisoners through troughs of urine and garbage; sexual assault by police officers and jail staff; denial of access to essential medications for diabetes, HIV and other conditions; prisoners held in solitary confinement; denial of access to attorneys. The protesters’ attorney, Ron McGuire, has described the situation as "a civil rights catastrophe of the first order."


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 About Us 

Who are we? The R2K Network. Why are we protesting? Here's some background.

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Please help support our Legal Fund for Camille and the Timoney 3 cases. To make a donation, contact: info@r2klegal.org


Letters of support:
Activist Organizations
APWU Union
First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia
Members of Congress
National Association for Socially Responsible Organizations

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R2K Mobilization Links:
Ad Hoc Committee to Defend Health Care
August 1st Direct Action Coalition
Kensington Welfare Rights Union
NJ Unity2000
Philly Direct Action Group
Refuse & Resist
Silent March

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